OHYOURGOD I JUST FOUND A WACOM TABLET ON EBAY FOR 99 CENTS!!! THATS AWESOME. too bad i don't have paypal........ In other news, I'm cooking some chicken right now because there is nobody home but me and my halloween game is still in progress but with school and stuff i've ended up only animating like 30 frames since like, August 20th or something. I made a stop motion animation of all the icons on my desktop dancing around but it's really short and if you play it too fast you can't tell whats going on but if you play it too slow it's really choppy so i probably wont put it up. I just finished reading this book called MAXIMUM RIDE(MaxRide) but its kinda cheesy so....... yeah. but telling from the adds on the sight it looks like there is going to be a movie, which might be kinda cool, so i looked into it and IMDB (Internet Movie Database IMDB) talks about a 2008 release. I also want to see I Am Legend and Shoot 'Em Up. I just went to the California State Fair last friday, and while we were there my stepmom picked up a Vitamix which is basically a fancy blender that can make tons of stuff! It can chop peanuts to make peanut butter, and can make soup: You put in your stuff and if you leave it in there for long enough the Vitamix will start heating it up! It's awesome! I've made like 5 Smoothies in it too! I'm eating My Cooked chicken right now. MMMMMMMMMM! I Put the flame on the lowest possible temperature and threw some butter in the pan, then i seasoned up the chicken with some Old Bay which is like 90 spices in one. Then I threw the chicken in there and let it cook with a lid on it for about 30 minutes. After that i squeezed some lemon in the pan and let it keep on Lid-Cooking for about 7 minutes. Then (and as you read this you must know that I LOVE old bay) I added More Old Bay to the outside of the Chicken Breast. Then cranked up the heat and fried up my chickens outer layer. Then I was done and i threw together a Passionfruit, Strawberry, Pineapple and Mango Smoothie. and thats my dinner! :D
Anywhos, The Fair was Great!! Me an my buddy Caleb went on the EVOLUTION like 20 times. It's Hecka fun but not really that scary because you feel really strapped in.
I'm Done with dinner now so enough NG for today. Here's your a picture i drew:
ps that guy in the picture with the flamey hair isn't blockhead. It's Mr.Waffles, which i can prove came out before blockhead did so >:P ..
p.s.s I did not steal the name Mr.Waffles from that dumb show catscratch either. it came out after i came out with my character.