I'd just like to start off this post with: THIS SUCKS. I accidentally dropped a dvd case on my 360's cd tray while the tray was out. Then the tray wouldn't close, it would just make a bad sound. then, when i forced it closed, it wouldn't open again. so, I'ma go and ship it off to microsoft and HOPE they can fix it and it doesn't get lost in the mail.
Everyone hated my Halloween game..... but I don't really care. I thought people would love it but I'm so glad I didn't expect Front Page because then I would be even more depressed. Nogfish might do a skating collab with me so thats cool though.
I been reding about Shepard Fairey(The Guy who made OBEY) and it turns out, He's in regular old art Galleries and he has a book. I looked at a Banksy book too the other day at Barnes n' Noble.
My 5-year-old little sister is getting a guniea(spelling?) pig today. woop-dee-doo. another animal whose cage will never get cleaned and will smell like underwear that you've worn for more than a week.
i think I'm kinda depressed about all this stuff thats going on. but at least LazyMuffin told me how to stream music. so i can get my flash to be more in sync.