I have a new flash group: TEAM AWESOME. PM me or that profile and we'll check out your stuff.
I'm gonna contact LUIS and ask him to put MY SUBMISSION to the 2008 sketchbook tour in.
-I got that Wacom Tablet from TomFulp yesterday, It's a really nice, New INTUOS 3!!! That's so awesome!
-I sent Nogfish the file for the skate collab before I got the wacom though, so That flash is not wacomed on my side of the lobster. But I greatly expect my flash skills to improve due to 2 facts,
1. I draw better by hand than with a mouse.
2. I once animated a 3 minute movie bey hand at 13 fps. Which means I am more patient and try to perfect it more when I draw by hand!!
I sent off my 360 last week, so I'm not panicing about it getting lost in the mail, but i will If it's not back here in 4-6 weeks. D:
I've been making stencils and spraying them onto cut up pieces of wood, that I plan to leave at places like the bus stop, or outside a cafe, or something..
I really want to thank Tom and the staff for sending me The wacom tablet, A nice NG shirt and Some awesome Stickers!! Thanks Guys! I feel like I hit the JackPot!!!
and now, here is a picture of me with an afro. I had to wear it because i was sick. Hence the crazy clothing