Well, i'm not feeling that great today so this post might seem kinda depressing but here goes....
Life is going okay i guess, but i'm kindof bored with school, but christmas break is coming up on thursday so thats cool. I think matt is mad at me for making a copy thing of him, because i couldn't do it to me because i can't figure out a way to respell my name. Y'know like instead of putting tomfulp its like tom then f-u-capital i- p.... so the i looks like and L and then it looks like he has a profile that is corrupted because he has no flash or the person uses the profile to spam or something.......
I haven't been playing halo3 that much because i absolutely suck at it, and i mean badly, but the other day when i was at my friend IAABH's house, i brought my 360 and we got Guitar Hero III demo and a SKATE. demo. GH3 is okay, but not much has been improved besides the graphics, but skate is pretty cool, but my friend is totally obsessed with it and didn't want to do anything else. he even found a glitch, were you can get out of the demo's restricted area and skete around is a kinda glitchy version of one of the levels in the game.... anyway, heres a list of games i've been playing with a little bit of reviews....
-Halo3 is fun, i just got to the point were you find cortana's message in the flood area and then i did something else after that. i know i already fought the scarab though.
-I bought the batman begins game for xbox1, it works on the 360. it's pretty fun, i'm on the arkham asylum level. i haven't played it much
-With all the flashes on portal(from the orange box) i have seen on newgrounds, i kinda want to check it out.
-I tried to download a bioshock demo off xbox live when i went to my friends house, but it wouldn't let me because i'm 16. .....
-Skate is fun! i got the demo off live, and my friend found a glitch to get out of the fence in the demo area, and you can go explore almost half of the rest of the suburbs level...
-Guitar Hero III demo is okay, but not much different from GHII, which i own.
Here is a list of stuff I plan to release before christmas. Now that Break is here, i will have a chance to tackle these more vigorously ....
-Team Awesome 4: A bear in the future is attacked by cat soldiers for ......, well, you'll find out. I'm a 3rd of the way done.
-Team Awesome 5: A random video for the blackeyedpeas song don't lie, but the song is all sped up and edited. I'm at the animation stage.
-The Ultimate Flash Movie(working title): still at voiceacting stage, i haven't gotten a chance to get some of my actors to do their voices yet, and i haven't even recorded my lines.... D: in fact, this might not make the christmas deadline.....
-Some Christmas Thing: Since i haven't covered any of the other holidays this year(besides halloween), i figure i should make a christmas flash. but we'll see. at storyboard stage.
_EDIT_ christmas movie is done. watch it here. We3Bears
-[FLOW]: my "Anime Style" Comic book will be turned into an animation(or probably a series) with the first installment coming out in spring or so... at voiceacting stage, just have to caste people... but i started a little intro animation and plan to do about 9 of the characters myself.
I have to save up like 200 dollars so i can get gifts for everyone....... :(
I've been doing alot of just regular drawing stuff, instead of animation, because all my projects are kinda big. I might just be procrastinating, but i hope i can catch up over christmas break.....
I want to skate more too, even though this isn't the weather, the other morning i woke up at 7 and went and skated. It was COOLD!
Math Homework. Break starts on thursday, but untill then i have to do 3 chapters of geometry stuff that i already have learned and forgotten..... >:C
Here's a list of the TV i have been watching. Also, please note that i don't have cable, and so all these movies are got from the blockbuster netflix.....
-Sherlock Holmes(40's tv show): one of the best shows ever. I love it.
-Scrubs(still): I always watch scrubs, even though i have seen the episodes from the seasons i own all already, its nice to have it on in the background.
-Wonder Woman(70's tv show): I watched like 6 WW episodes today while doing math homework.
-Hardy Boys(70's tv show): More are coming from blockbuster....
I have been really lazy when it comes to animating these days. I'll be animating and decide to go on the internet, but because we dont pay for internet, we just get the free signal from the city, it doesn't alwaays work..... But we plan to buy one of the things that will pick up and amplify the city signal so that we can always have it on. and then i can go on xbox live all the time, which means i'll have to buy a subscription. :'( ..........
Uh, what else.... i can't think of anything else at the moment. heres and optimus prime picture i entered in a contest on deviantart(which i got a subscription too by the way)..... so yeah.
Thanks for listening...
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